
The Kapenta Kid

New Member
I just inject them with a strong lime (kalkwasser) slurry and that usually finishes them off in one go.
If they are isolated I just use one of the little syringes you get with some water test kits. If they are very close to or in amongst corals or other sessile inverts I use a medical hypodermic syringe to accurately shoot the lime water into their mouths.
Joe's Juice, which is a proprietary product, is apparently very effective. But it is rather expensive and I find kalkwasser, which is rather inexpensive works well. Cost is important since they are like crabgrass, new ones are always springing up.
Some people use a boiling lime mixture, but I find a room temperature mix works fine so I have never tried the heat.
If you use lime, don't zap more than a dozen or so at a time to avoid unduly raising the pH.


New Member
can you give a recipe for the home made version? I have it springing up all over my tank and my peppermint shrimp has taken refuge in my rockwork from my sixline wrasse and won't come out ;(

The Kapenta Kid

New Member
You need lime, i.e. quicklime (CaO), the stuff you use to make kalkwasser. To make kalkwasser you use about 2 teaspoons of lime powder per liter and let the white precipitate settle to the bottom and use only the clear fluid. But to make a super-strong solution I use 2 teaspoons lime in about a teacup of water. Mix it up and you get a white milky solution. I inject this straight into the Aptasia and if your aim is good he is a goner.Turn off your pumps and filters during the operation to avoid the slurry being flushed away from the target. Five or ten minutes later turn the pumps on again. You will get some white flaky stuff blowing around, it is just harmless slaked lime and other carbonates, it will soon disappear.
Be careful when you are mixing and using, lime is corrosive, which is why it kills the Aptasia. But the tank water neutralizes it, and you will get a miniscule rise in pH provided you don't treat more than dozen or so at a time.
Hope this helps. Feel free to ask if anything is unclear.
PS Interesting about your 6-line harassing your peppermint shrimp. I have a 6-line and it pays no attention to the skunk cleaner shrimps, but it is barely 2-inches long, maybe your is bigger and meaner


New Member
Yeah I'm not sure why he attacks the peppermint. He doesn't bother the 2 other shrimp that i have but I think it may be the order in which I added them. I added everything except the peppermint before I put in the 6 line so maybe he is getting territorial now that he isn't the newbie of the tank. Thanks for the info. I'll have to see if I can pick some up today.


New Member
i put one teaspoon of Kalkwasser in 1/4 cup water microwave for 10 to 20 seconds(until bubbly) and inject it straight into the aptasia. it has always worked for me

The Kapenta Kid

New Member
Yep, my 2 teaspoons of raw lime to a cup is certainly overkill, but it has never caused any ill effects for other inhabitants, and my pH always needs a little help. Maybe if I had more corals and more delicate corals I would have to refine the mix.