Anybody using a refugium on there Aquapod 24?


New Member
If so, can you share what you are using to get the water to the lower tank and what pump you are using for the water return back up to the tank? I picked up a Aquapod 24gal and a AquaPod 12gal for a sump. Having a hard time locating a small enough siphon overflow that I can put in the back section of the AquaPod. Can the AquaPod be drilled? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you don't mind, posting a pic of your set up would be GREAT. :maitre


New Member
I have seen a couple people who actually drilled their nanocube and plumbed just like you would any other tank. Did you plan on keeping the false wall filtration area? If not, you could go with something like the lifereef siphon overflow that tim linked to. I mean if you are going to have a sump you dont really need the false wall filtration anyways.




New Member
Thanks for the reply guys... I wish I could find out for sure if its safe to drill a AquaPod tank. I'll keep on searching. ;-) Thanks again for the reply guys.....