Another Newbie question

Alright i had a jbj nano cube in the past and it was nothing but problems...i am looking to start from scratch this week....and i just wanna get a tank...with the basic set up now..and purchase liverock..and stuff later ....something not to exspensive....20 galloon and under...preferbally ..around 12 .....where do i start..what should i buy....and what price should i be looking at ...just for the basic start up..thanks you guys


New Member
Sorry, but LR is part of the basic setup. It's a large part of your biological filtration, and adding it later can cause ammonia/nitrite/nitrate spikes.

You'll need the tank, sand, LR, and your filter to actually cycle the tank. You'll also need ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and ph tests, to determine when your cycle is complete so that you can start adding coral/fish, and start turning your lights on. You'll probably want a heater before you start adding fish/corals to even out any fluctuations in temp.

The length of the cycle will depend on your setup, and the LR/livesand you use. It could run a week, it could run six.

The lights that you're going to use are determined by what types, (if any), corals you want to keep. If you're mainly interested in high-light-needing corals, then you'll probably want to go with metal halide lamps. If you are more interested in softies and LPS, you can probably get away with a low to moderate amount of PC lamps.

Your lighting will need to be in place when you want to start adding coral. Preferably at the end of your cycle. You'll want to go with a shorter photoperiod than your end goal. Which means if you want your tank lights to be on for 8hrs, from 4pm to midnight, you start them after your cycle running from 4-8pm. Then gradually ramp them up over a couple weeks til they're running the full photoperiod. This will help reduce algae blooms.

awesome thanks for the information..what type of tank you reccomend..that i can purchase at a store in atlanta...whats a good size also..i was thinking 12 gallon....and filter wise what do you reccomend


New Member
12g is kind of an odd size.

10g, 20g are the two most common. 12g, you have the nano cube, and I think an eclipse, and of course lots of custom acrylic tanks.
Then you have 20 long, 15g, 30g, 30g long. Then there are hex tanks, and blah, blah, blah. Really it comes down to what you like.
A lot of this hobby is going to be dependent on your personal aesthetics. :)

If you find a tank in a shape you like, and you don't see one with the type of corals in it that you like, ask. There are some tanks out there that make it difficult to light them well enough to keep corals. Hex tanks are notorious for this.

The more common the shape the easier it will be to find lights and eqipment to hang on it easily. The easiest is probably the standard 20g tank, closely followed by the 10g tank. Again look around and find what you like. Part of the fun is figuring out how to make everything fit in a pleasing way. One of my favorite size tanks are the oceanic 30g cubes. To me they're a size for interesting aquascaping, and they're easy to add lights and filtration too. But the next guy may not like the shape and would prefer a standard 29g tank instead. Look at the pics of tanks here, and on, and over on reefcentral, and your LFS if it's convenient. It won't take long for you to decide on what size you want.

alright im looking to buy sopmething tomm at a local pet start i have roughly 160-275 bucks...what should i buy besides the tank gonna go with a 10 or 15 g