Another Newbi :)


New Member
Just let me start out by saying this has got to be the best informed sites on nano tanks that I have found.

My question is if I were to purchase the 24 gal nano cube, the deluxe model. Would I have to buy any other type of equipment to run a mini reef system? It suppose to come with lights an filters already with it. But I keep seeing posts talking about skimmers and ppl making sumps for there tanks. I just want to fill it with LR and maybe some LS a few easy hardy fish and maybe some easy coral. Would the filter it comes with be enough to keep the system healthy? I imagine I'd need about 20 lbs of LR atleast for this. Let me know if I'm missing anything. Thanks.


New Member
check out posts by

They both have nanocubes. They've got the 12g model, and have some mods, but what they've done should work fine for yours as well.

Welcome to Nanotank.
and the nano tank forum on RC are also good sources for info specific to nanos. Although I think the group here is a bit more friendly/helpful.



New Member
Thanks for the reply. I'll deffinetly have to pick at their brains on the subject. I guess What my main question is if I would need a protein skimmer with one of these new Nano Cube tanks. If enough live rock and proper filter material were used in the filter that comes with these cubes. Remember this is going to be a very simple SW set up as it will be my first. I have kept FW tanks for years and thought it was time to break into the world of SW.


New Member
Vafik said:
Thanks for the reply. I'll deffinetly have to pick at their brains on the subject. I guess What my main question is if I would need a protein skimmer with one of these new Nano Cube tanks. If enough live rock and proper filter material were used in the filter that comes with these cubes. Remember this is going to be a very simple SW set up as it will be my first. I have kept FW tanks for years and thought it was time to break into the world of SW.
Nope a skimmer isn't necessary. Basically skimmers and filters are just ways to lessen the frequency of water changes. Most nano-reefers try to do a water change at least once a week, so a skimmer really isn't needed. I've got a small one on my wife's 10g because she tends to procrastinate on her maintenance. Most of the folks on here aren't running one, and you should be fine without one on the cube as long as you keep up with your maintenance.



New Member
I guess my next question would be should I buy the 12g or the 24g? I thinking the 24 since I'm new to SW tanks. But that also means twice the LV and LS and twice the amount of life that could be lost if something bad happens. But I figure if I can run a 55g a 20g two 10g and a 5g, All FW, with no problems then I should be able to take care of a 12g nano if I take things slow. I'd probally wait a month or two before adding any fish. There should be little cycle process since the coral and LR and Water will be comeing from all the same source. Hell if the LR is cured long enough there might not be much of a cycle to go through. I guess all I really need now is a list of products that I should invest in. IE chemicals and tools of sorts. Again all the help that I've been getting is great and I hope to post pics of my up and comeing venture soon. Thanks


New Member
Vafik said:
I guess my next question would be should I buy the 12g or the 24g? I thinking the 24 since I'm new to SW tanks. But that also means twice the LV and LS and twice the amount of life that could be lost if something bad happens. But I figure if I can run a 55g a 20g two 10g and a 5g, All FW, with no problems then I should be able to take care of a 12g nano if I take things slow. I'd probally wait a month or two before adding any fish. There should be little cycle process since the coral and LR and Water will be comeing from all the same source. Hell if the LR is cured long enough there might not be much of a cycle to go through. I guess all I really need now is a list of products that I should invest in. IE chemicals and tools of sorts. Again all the help that I've been getting is great and I hope to post pics of my up and comeing venture soon. Thanks
Just do your reading/research, and you'll do fine. I set up my main system the first time with NO experience whatsoever. My wife and I took our time and pieced the sytem together slowly as we found all our equipment used. It took us about 6 months from the time we started talking about it til the time we actually put water in the tanks. You've already got an advantage with all your FW experience, I'm sure that you'll do a good job whichever one you choose.



New Member
I'm in your same situation. I've been trying to decide between the 12 and the 24g cubes. I like the mike guerrero signature series modification on the 12 but I like all the room that comes with the 24 gal....

Good luck with your tank and keep us posted!