
New Member
generally speaking they all get quite big but I have found the sebae's grow fairly slowly . If you add them to a tank especially a nano be prepared for them to walk around to find a place that they like ,they also tend to sting surrounding corals . And they require lots of light I currently have 2 in my tanks and they footed where they were placed though that is no guarantee that they will stay where placed and if they die in the tank they can nuke it . Hope this helps


New Member
Unfortunately none of them 'stay' small. Bubbles, and sebae are usually not particularly fast growers, but I have seen a rose bubble that took up 3/4 of an oceanic 30g cube.

Anemones really aren't that great a candidate for nanos, because they may wander around looking for that sweet spot of just enough current, and high light.
Bubbles tend to wander more than most of the others, but all of them can. In the process they can sting corals, polyps, etc...

There's also more of a possibility of losing fish to an anemone in a smaller tank, just because there isn't as much room for the fish to avoid them.

How old is your tank? Most anemones are pretty delicate, and have specific lighting/flow needs. On top of that unless a tank is 'mature', which basically means it has lots of microfauna and has been stable chemically, for many months anemones tend to die pretty quickly. They need a lot of light, moderate flow, and very, very stable parameters.
