Ammonia Test


New Member
I just did my first test for ammonia and pH, and the results are quite confusing. The ammonia test shows 0.1mg/L but the water in the test tube is very cloudy, and the color is neon like green that corresponds to 0.1 on the color chart. For me it is very strange because I use the same test kit for my heavily planted fresh water tank and the water in the test tube is clear. The testing chemicals do not make the water cloudy, nor neon like when I do my fresh water checks.
Is it normal for the water to become cloudy in the test tube when testing for Ammonia in a saltwater aquarium?

I also did a test for my pH but the color is off the chart, I tried two different test kits and neither of them worked. If I shake the test tube and then quickly look at the color it kind of looks as if the color corresponding to ph of 7.8 but then it instantaneously changes and is very difficult to confirm .

The test kit that I use is a Hagen Master Test kit. It is for fresh and salt water. I have used it on my fresh water for about 7 months now and it works well. I just can't figure out this saltwater stuff. I have been running my 20G reef for about a week now, the rocks are still shedding some of the old sponge and other stuff, the temp is at 80F to speed up the curing process a bit, I have some sort of a small crab in a shell thing still alive in my refugium so I am guessing the water isn't that bad yet.

Any suggestions?


New Member
The only thing that I would suggest is getting a new test kit that is dedicated to saltwater. Salifert is one of the best brands of test kits so i would stick with them.


New Member
I also use a sailifert test kit. I find they are the easiest to read. Good luck with your tank. :welcome


New Member
Oh and one other thing. Your pH will more than likely not show up correctly if your tank is cycling. I don't know the whole reason behind it but the cycle can throw off your results so I would wait until after your cycle to test your pH or buffering it.