Alright finally got my eclipse 12 g on the right path

after tons of anwsered questions from you guys..i finally have my eclipse 12...going i installed the smartpaq retokit was pretty easy to install also...and my water movemnt pump ..about 10 pounds of live rock...1 damsel ..1 true percula star polyps....and some orange button gonna add tons more soon...does anyone have any frags they wanna sell to me ..i live in atlanta ga....i will have pics posted first thing tommmorw..thanks for all the help guys....


Staff member
You should be able to find tons of frags from your local reefclub. Check out and see if you can come up with something local.
I am happy for you that things are starting to come together but a word of caution, add only one or two things at a time and then allow the tank to readjust to the new bioload before adding more stuff. The " gonna add tons more soon.." is what made me think about this. keep in mind that with a 12 gallon tank you don't have a big capacity for fish. In regards to this the damsel may not be the best choice of fish in the long haul since they tend to get aggressive as they age. Good luck and happy reefing, Skip
i have a fish in the tank i forgot about...ummm ill get a pic of him later today ..but he is yellow with a purpleish pink stripe going down his back..does anyone know what kind of fhish he is..and him and the damsel just kinda chse and fight each other all day what should i do with these 2 guys....


New Member
sounds like some sort of pseudo chromis perhaps ?
I agree go slow from the way I read it you added the water today and the fish ?
no..the tank has been set up with live rick and water and a couple damsels for a little over a month i added the retro kit earlier in the week..and the star polyps and stuff yetserday