

New Member
No pic..sorry, but its easy to describe..

Its green and has long growths that look like a fern...the fern thing is key. It looks just like a fern leaf..I have it growing on the back wall and came in quick and is about 2 inch long..

Doesn't look like hair algae but I have been wrong once or twice in my life.. :langle


New Member
Hard to say w/ out a pic.

Could be some type of caulerpa, such as taxifolia.

If it is more of a hair algae type, could be bryopsis.

Try looking up those two alga and see if they look similar to what you have.


New Member
lgreen said:
Hard to say w/ out a pic.

Could be some type of caulerpa, such as taxifolia.quote]

Nice call..thats pretty much what I have. Now the fun part. Trying to control this stuff..

Don't know what happened with the quote..should have previewed..


Staff member
It can be controlled by pruning or the introduction of a herbivorous fish, I used to have a tang that would take it down to the rocks and wait for it to grow so it could do it again.


New Member
I would love to have a tank is the nano 12 ...I will have to upgrade to more room for a tang...

I have only had a tank going on a month now, and already aspiring for more space..this little addiction is quite expensive for sure!!!


New Member
a tang in a nano ???? he will grow it semo..... but anyways i catch some times my crabs eating it...

eddy :cool1:


Staff member
I wasn't suggesting you add a tang, I was relaying past experiences of mine. There are other fish and inverts that are more suited to nano life.


New Member
Yeah, I understood what ya meant skipm...

Have any of you had any experiences with the court jester gobies...seems they may eat a little more algae than other omni's. Its tough to find herbivore's.

Being only a 12g tank, I am only gonna put 2-3 probably 2 fish in it. One being a swimmer and one a gobie. Havn't decided on types yet...


Staff member
I had one of the court jesters for awhile in one of my big tanks but he deisappeared after 3 or 4 weeks. He seemed to be a great addition to the tank and I'll probably get another one for a smaller tank in the future. He seemed very active and like to scurry in and out of the rockwork.