Algae ID


New Member
I've had these from time to time in my 20 gallon tank for over 2 years now. They are very interesting and have a nice neon yellow/green color to them. I've also seen them in other people's tanks. I was wondering if anyone else has these growing on their liverock and does anyone happen to have a name?

They have really taken off recently in my tank. Might be due to poor water quality since I've been slacking a little on water changes recently :oops: .



New Member
I've seen someone ask for an ID on this same algea, but can't find it now ](*,) . I'll keep looking. I do remember that it was good!


New Member
I've seen them before, and I believe they just called them spaghetti worm algea, or something, but it wasn't at a store where I trust them to know what they're talking about.

I'll see if I can look around a bit.



New Member
I think I found it, but double check me. Or atleast I found a matching picture, no info yet. And click on the Neomeris sp. or neomeris Annulata


New Member
Thanks guys. You know of some great resources...

Here are a few quotes that I found interesting about it:

"The green worm looking things are growing in length but do not seem to
be spreading. Are they any threat to grow out of control or should I
just continue to enjoy them and leave them alone.

<The latter. They'll be a good indicator for calcium levels.>


New Member
I probably have 20-30 now in my 20 gallon. They are really thriving. They are also very brittle.