algae = high nitrates and phosphates?


New Member
my tank recently just turned green everywhere lol. Rock, sand, glass lol is it becuz i have high nitrates and phosphates? or its just a maturing process a new tank goes thru?



New Member
Hey.. i think its due to high phosphates.. dont hold me to that i think thats what i read somewhere.. no doubt someone will no for sure lol.. I used to have that problem when my nano was egtting started up. Now finally im seeing the end of it. Cant say my hermits get it all but they do a good job for thier size. Your might want to pick it out with your hands, That and blow it off with a turkey baster. jsut 2 things i did


New Member
its not all hair...most of it is just green slime prolly gonna go with chemi clean see how that wrks out..


New Member
Well the reason of algea can be cause your tank still needs to mature... and well another agents are HIGH PHOSPHATES & NITRATES... so you should cut back on feeding a good thing will be feed your fish everyother day, and also if you can any phosphate remover media.

i used to have high nitrates but know not ... cause i do big water changes and i run some filter medias to purify the water more... i use SEAGEL (carbon & phosphate remover), PURIGEN (removes nitrates) & Polyfilter (removes any harmful metals)...
