algae help


New Member
Okay, I have shortened my light time on my tank, my glass and sand is so green I could put some horses to graze. I have been cleaning my glass everyday, never had to do this before. What is going on?

All levels test fine, the only thing I can maybe see as a problem is my lights. On one side I have a coralife, pc 20 watt 50/50 10,000 k and the other side I am using a PC natural daylight bulb. Both these bulbs have been in the tank for the past 1 1/2 years. Would the lights be causing the "sea of green"?

I feed twice a day and very very sparingly.



New Member
Yes, your lights could be causing the sea of green. The PC bulbs you have, have out lived their life. Their spectrum is off and this usually results in high concentrations of algae blooms. You might want to consider changing out the bulbs asap before the problem gets any worse than it already is.


New Member
Okay, I will be changing the bulbs. As for the clean up crew, I have just lost my blue legged hermit crab. I thought he was molting but now there i nothing going on in that shell. Snails and crabs seem to be hard to keep.

But, I have found that when I have both crabs and snails the crabs eat my snails so maybe I just need to have snails only. I also have a Sexy shrimp, it is doing fine.

Will have to take a look at what is available here, we pay dearly for snails and crabs as all saltwater stuff is so expensive here. $4.50 CDN for one snail.... :cryinga:

Ordering them in is no cheaper as the freight is just not worth it for a nano tank. Will keep you posted though on what I find.



New Member
Might want to check your nitrates. It has a detrimental effect on shrimp/crabs and some snails.

Also, if your crabs have outgrown their shells, they will hunt/kill snails for a new larger home. So make sure you have shells on hand for them to change into when they grow.


New Member
Good news, the crab is still alive. I turned the shell over to see what would happen and out popped its head, so it must still be molting or else something else has happened to it and now it is growing new claws. So i am spot feeding it and hope it will be fine.

What I would like to ask though, which is better for keeping the sand nice and clean, snails or crabs?



New Member
Narsasis (sp) snails. They have "trunks" and bury in the sand. They come out when there is food. Excellent for mixing up the bed. Also Tiger tail cucumbers are great as well.

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
Tiger tail cukes get really big - can grow up to 24", so not a good choice for a nano IMO. A fighting conch will do well in a nano and are great for cleaning the sand bed.