Algae Elimination


New Member
As some of you may know, my tank has some algae that I am having trouble eliminating before I start getting coral. Tell me if you think this plan of elimination seems fine…

Change out old bulb-it’s about 6 months old.
Convert AC 70 to Fuge-
Do a 3 day blackout-

To help aid in eliminating the algae I added a maxijet 600, which will also in the future be beneficial to my coral.

Does this plan seem acceptable?



New Member
Sorry, I don't have a phosphate test kit......

What causes high phosphates?

I currently put in a new bag of chemi-pure. For water changes I change 2 gallons per week using reefcrystals salt...if that helps determine the problem, but I doubt it :roll: .

Just thought I would say my algae is not out of control, it grows pretty slowly and it's not EVERYWHERE....


if i had a tank without any corals in it yet, i would do a 100% water change and blackout till all algae was gone........ covering the tank if it gets too much ambient light and running phosban and carbon if you have the means
changing bulbs should not be neccessary at 6 months
flow is always good but in itself will not help eliminate hair algae - diatoms and cyano yes, but not filamentous
fuges are helpful if done correctly


New Member
Get a phosphate test... probably the source of the propblem. Then like John said, run carbon and phosban... should fix you right up. You should try to find out the source of the phosphates though... are you using tap water? test your RO source if you are using RO.



New Member
I will buy a phosphate test and let you know what my levels are at. Know of good brand thats not too expensive?

I just put in a new bag of chemi-pure. So, I am assuming that I just need the phosban now? I am still planning on converting my AC 70 into a fuge, is that a good idea?

Also, I am using RO water that I have been getting from SuperOne.



New Member
Was just looking at the phosban and the product information says it comes with a media bag. Is the phosban already in the bag like chemi-pure is? Could I mix the Chemi-pure and the PhosBan into the same media-bag? Also, about how long will a 150 gram jar last me?

Sorry for asking so many questions,
