Algae Breakout, suggestions?


New Member
I've had a breakout of a brownish-red stringy algae that is starting to cover the sand and some of my corals. I've tested the water, and remarkably, its all perfect, so I dont get it?

Temp: steady at 77F
SG: 1.023-24
NO2: 0
NO3: 12.5 mg/dl
Ammonia: 0
P04: 0
Ca: 450ppm
KH: 8
PH: 8

I did a partial water change, and sucked the majority of the algae out. When the pumps were off, I could see agae faintly suspended in the water was weird.

Any suggestions for what might be going on? My filter media is Chemi-Pure, Polyfilter, Purigen, live rock rubble, and I thew a ALGONE in the chamber today. Lightcycle is MH on at 8am, off at 9pm. Using distilled water as my top off.




New Member
Well water probably tests great because the algae is eating any and all remaining sources of food. The basic attack on algae should do well, make sure feedings are as light as possible, get good flow going in the tank, clean all physical filters frequently, and maybe reduce lighting period a bit. 13 hours on sounds a bit high.


New Member
I have a Maxijet 1200 and a Rio in the tank, my water is quite turbulent, so much so that my sand bed is constantly shifting so much I have to shift it back by hand. Ive shifted the timing to on at 9am, off at 7pm. Maybe that will help.

Its driving me nuts. I can pull it all off and it comes back within 24hrs. It gets on my corals, sand bed, rocks....

K :sad:


New Member
Pics would help...Might be dinoflagella...turn off light and deny any nutrients.
Also what kind of water are you topping of and mixing salt with? Test it Before adding to your tank,could be high TDS.............. Hope this helps
