air bubbles


New Member
hey guys
quick question

will an air pump giving bubbles/fizz in my nano help stabalize my ph.
im having a problem keeping ph steady.
my current calcium level is 375 and alk is 6.5 meg/l


New Member
Both of these levels are low.

The calcium is just a tad low. Most of the things I've seen suggest 400-420 for a reef tank.

Alk should be closer to 10-12.

The air pump/airstone will only help if you're having issues related to oxygen exchange. This can be a factor if you have glass tops on a tank, or if you have higher than normal carbon dioxide in your home. (Happens a lot in winter with the house closed up and the heat on.)



New Member
Yes. Very. recommended levels taken from the article.


2.5 - 4 meq/L or 7 - 11 dKH or 125 - 200 ppm CaCO3 equivalents

(due to bicarbonate and carbonate but not borate, so those using Seachem salt must raise this value substantially to accommodate the borate being counted in standard alkalinity tests)


380 – 450 ppm calcium ion or 950 - 1125 ppm CaCO3 equivalents