Aiptasia pictures color corrected


New Member
Not really sure if this is aiptasia it very much looks as if it is .it tends to retract quickly if bothered ( did not think that aptasia would retract if fed or touched ) .It also tends to retract for a day or 2 at at a time . Here are a few pictures it is in front of the candy cane


Staff member
On my computer the color looks off but it looks like an aiptasia to me. They will retract when you mess with them so you can't rule it out because of that.


New Member
I would say nuke it.....looks like one to me!

here is a pic of one in my tank, you can use it as a guide.



New Member
would like to note: if you want to get rid of aiptasia Joe's juice really works awsome.....melts them. i even grew a set of balls and nuked the couple that where in the middle of my zoo's. aiptasia 0, me 20. oh yeah all my zoos and other corals are just fine :mrgreen:


New Member
he drank some limeoneaide :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
he is usually out at nite but havent seen him since I know I nailed the stalk :mrgreen:


New Member
Good idea nuked it, and even better idea to take that picture of it before you did it. Awesome aipasia shot! The nicest one I've seen.