Aiptasia Anemone


New Member
I have a lot of things in my tank that look like aiptasia anomones (I will get a picture soon just to make sure). I read that redlegged hermit crabs eat them, is this true?


New Member
Not sure on that one but peppermint shrimp are said to eat them .....some do some dont ...either way us caution with peppermints as some will eat zoas and gsp. Another route is injecting joes juice into them to kill them or lemmon juice even boiling water , all are reef safe.Hope this helps ya :mrgreen:


New Member
If indeed you do have a large population of aiptasia, do get a peppermint shrimp. They will handle the aiptasia and will thrive even after the population is gone. I have had the same peppermint for 2.5 years now and he is still thriving and I rarely see an aiptasia. When I do see one, thats where Joe's Juice comes in and takes them out! I have never had any problems with my Peppy hurting ANY of the corals in my tank. He does like to take the food from the LPS that are getting hand fed which is sort of annoying...but sort of funny too.



Staff member
I have never heard of red legs eating them either. I have heard of nudibranchs (berghia), copper banded butterfly fish, and foxfaces (I think).
I have used kalk and Joes Juice to get rid of them with good success. I would also not hesitate to use the hot water method but would be hesitant to try vinegar, lemon juice, or hydrogen peroxide (all of which are said to be quite effective).