Adding Fish/Coral to a new tank


New Member
After a cycle is complete, does it matter in which order you put fish/coral into the tank? As seen in my other posts, i will most likely do a clown fish and a wrasse/goby (havent decided on the later). I am curious if i add the fish first and intro the corals later will the fish bother them in anyway? or is it better to get corals established before fish arrive?

and should the cleaner crew be added after the cycle is complete?


New Member
Order of introduction can be a factor to keep in mind when introducing fish, but generally doesn't matter with most inverts and corals.

Yep, I'd put the clean up crew in there as soon as the cyle seems complete.

I'd probably put the clown in before the wrasse/goby, but it might not matter depending on what you choose.



New Member
i will most likely add the cleaning crew first, give some further contemplation to the fish and add both fish at once... after the cleaning crew have established..

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
This is for a 10 gallon tank? I'd suggest only adding one fish at a time, and letting the tank's biological filtration catch up to the newly introduced bioload before adding a 2nd fish. Say, about a week and a half to two weeks apart. It takes about that long for the denitrifying bacteria population to adjust to the new bioload in the tank. Add the clown last, as they tend to be more territorial than the wrasse/goby species.