Actinodiscus pedal laceration

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
I posted this over at CF, but thought I'd post it over here for all of you too.

This is a series of shots taken over the course of about a month of one of my discosoma straita propogating itself.

First pic shows the trail of flesh left behind as the parent shroom moved around to the top of the LR.

This pic shows a closer look at one of the baby shrooms beginning to form. You can see the striation forming along with it taking on a more circular shape.

Fast forward a month and here is a recent shot of three new baby shrooms.



New Member
Awesome shots. I've got a few pics of my hairy shroom splitting somewhere over in the photography section.

My discosoma straitas I got from Jennie in a frag swap have be propagating like crazy as well.


New Member
How do you get it to propagate?!?! My shrooms/rics/zoa's aren't. :(

My idea is to have a tank full of frags that have grown out (b/c I'm cheap) but I can't get anything to split!!!


New Member
Well I'm using a feeding hat now to directly feed my corals and I think it has helped immensley. They were very fat and happy today, so I plan to do this, maybe they didn't have enough food to do anything other than survive.

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
It's funny because my blue shrooms used to propogate like mad and now they've stopped, and the striped ones are at it. Strange.