I was just wondering if you've thought about creating a custom skin for nanotank.com
I believe that this would definately help attract new guests. This is a great site and it should have a great and unique look. (Well this is just my opinion.)
I gladly offer my assistance in the project if you like the idea.
My work (my forums)
Like I said this site is great. I chose this site over nano-reef because of it's content, and the way it was setup. I also think a custom skin would greatly complement the community and the information you guys are exchanging. Just a thought from a nano n00b. :?
I believe that this would definately help attract new guests. This is a great site and it should have a great and unique look. (Well this is just my opinion.)
I gladly offer my assistance in the project if you like the idea.
My work (my forums)
Like I said this site is great. I chose this site over nano-reef because of it's content, and the way it was setup. I also think a custom skin would greatly complement the community and the information you guys are exchanging. Just a thought from a nano n00b. :?