A New Nano Tank Member is in Town

Master Er

New Member
Hello to everyone on NanoTank.com, I have been in the nano reefing hobby for the past 3 short months and learned about this site through Mike Guerrero whom I've spoken with a couple of times. I am eager to learn from you guys and I may have ideas that you may want. I am very meticulous and good at innovating and working with my hands. I have two Nano Cube 12DX tanks and one 2.5 Pico tank in the making. Thank you all, particularlly to Mike for the kind invitation.

Master Er

New Member
Thanks, I'll post pics of my tank soon......for now I'm still culturing my Live Rocks and still mastering my temps and water parameters....taking it really slow. :oops:


New Member
Master Er said:
Hello to everyone on NanoTank.com, I have been in the nano reefing hobby for the past 3 short months and learned about this site through Mike Guerrero whom I've spoken with a couple of times. I am eager to learn from you guys and I may have ideas that you may want. I am very meticulous and good at innovating and working with my hands. I have two Nano Cube 12DX tanks and one 2.5 Pico tank in the making. Thank you all, particularlly to Mike for the kind invitation.
you meet mike from a different message board?? Just wondering. Welcome aboard to the site, hope you enjoy it here :)

Master Er

New Member
Dragon79, Yes I met your brother through a different site and he told me about this site and mentioned you too.....I have gone through the various topics and I see that they are very informative. Thanks Steven