A look back over the year(s) pics


New Member
While looking through my photos I came across some older pics
I thought it would be fun to take a look back at how the tank has grown and changed . It is absolutely amazing how my tastes changed and the tank has grown ..The 1st pictures are from back in October 2004 when I first started ......Some of the obvious changes are the lighting from stock 14 watts NO florescent to 72 watts pc , The anenome were taken back to the store because they just got to big, then there are the basic equipment upgrades ......I hope this helps some of the newer people see that this is an evolution of progress and learning , that there will be many changes through the lifetime of a tank .... I hope to document the 2 gallon in much the same way after I thumb through 1400 + pictures not an easy job :mrgreen:
Pictures on the right side of your screen are 2004 and on the left side are current photos :mrgreen:



New Member
Like the sands through a hour glass.....

So are the days of our lives..... :lol: :lol:

Fun to look back!!! :mrgreen:


New Member
What a difference......so did you started first with the damsel and then with mr.wiggles ??? damsel during the cycle??? :roll:

is quit amazing looking at your horsy swimming everywere like he is the king....normally the horzyz tha i see are attach to something but not going for broke.... :razz:



New Member
Nope Ed the damsels were not used to cycle the tank they went in 3 weeks after the tests revealed it was safe .....You are correct in that it is mr wiggles the 2 damsels beat the snot out of mr wiggles that is how the 2.5 came to be ...... the horse swims freely in our tank but he has plenty to hitch to if he desires at night he hitches to the feather duster in the front of the tank. :mrgreen:
Dickie it truly is fun to see where our tanks started and how they change and progress as we learn about them ...... :mrgreen:


New Member
Very neat picture display, i in much the same way have compleatly changed my style and preferances in the year or so that I have had my tank. When I frist started out, I just wanted to buy one of evrything and throw it all together in hopes that it would look like some kinda professional aquarium, and for the longest time it looked terrible, but its all changed now, if only I had the pics to show ya lol :bouncing:


New Member
He really does roam freely he stays more to the front as the back is a little higer current tho I do leave the pumps off for him while feeding and 1/2 hour or so after to allow him to swim then I kick the pumps on for a few seconds to kick up the food and he swims back to his favorite hitch :mrgreen: