OK i finally think i know what i want when i build my new tank but since there are so many varibles and ideas i can't decide on i built a "test" tank first and will build the real tank after i discover the problems and issues i'll have to deal with.
Basic idea: i want to build a shallow water theme tank representing the reef crest of a figi reef the tank will be 24x24(30) by some yet to be determined height (12" - 15") with a false wall overflow and pump/heater region
Test tank: i took a 29 gal tank removed a side panal and glued on a new side on what was the top 22 x 30 x 12. i am glueing in a false wall to make the tanks display area about 22 square (24???gal give or take).
1) there will be 4 sieo 620 behind the wall 2480gal of flow - will the overflow handle that volume??? or will i flood the bedroom?
2) the skimmer (remora) will flow into a refugium that sits in the back area like an internal cage - don't quite know how i'll return that water to the tank yet??? 1" pvc most likely
3) do i need to drill the tank and add a sump when i build the real tank to compensate for evaporation rate which will inevedably be very high due to the large surface area??
4) SQCD??? one day maybe from sump????
5) bottom - bare but not really - i intend to glue a thin layer of sand to creat a rough surface to glue frags unto??? has anyone else tried this??
anyway here are the pics so far feel free to comment like i said this is an experiment and would appreciate imput that would avoid problems in my idea
Basic idea: i want to build a shallow water theme tank representing the reef crest of a figi reef the tank will be 24x24(30) by some yet to be determined height (12" - 15") with a false wall overflow and pump/heater region
Test tank: i took a 29 gal tank removed a side panal and glued on a new side on what was the top 22 x 30 x 12. i am glueing in a false wall to make the tanks display area about 22 square (24???gal give or take).
1) there will be 4 sieo 620 behind the wall 2480gal of flow - will the overflow handle that volume??? or will i flood the bedroom?
2) the skimmer (remora) will flow into a refugium that sits in the back area like an internal cage - don't quite know how i'll return that water to the tank yet??? 1" pvc most likely
3) do i need to drill the tank and add a sump when i build the real tank to compensate for evaporation rate which will inevedably be very high due to the large surface area??
4) SQCD??? one day maybe from sump????
5) bottom - bare but not really - i intend to glue a thin layer of sand to creat a rough surface to glue frags unto??? has anyone else tried this??
anyway here are the pics so far feel free to comment like i said this is an experiment and would appreciate imput that would avoid problems in my idea