a few quick questions...


New Member
so i'm going to be starting a 5 gal minibow with in the next month or so (will post pics maybe) and i just wanted to know the realy importance of getting a skimmer. i mean it is a small enough tank and with reliable water changes is it really necessary? Same goes for a refugium?

also are anenomes and corals a lot differnt from each other? do they take differnt requirments and such. i will be still researching so hopefully i'll be informing myself also. i wouldn't mind getting a small clown eventually, but if anenomes are really hard i'll avoid them for now.

i am having trouble finding good lighting becuase it is a screw type bulb, i find a 50/50 one w/ a white bulb and blueish bulb. i don't remember wattage, but how does that sound?

Ritsuko N

New Member
If this is the screw in Power Compact bulb from Coralife its a 10 watt bulb simular to the "Al Gore Energy Saver Bulb" in shape. It will do okay for soft corals in your 5 gallon Nano if you have the clearence to screw it in the fixture. Screw the bulb so that the white side is facing down towards the bottom of the tank to maximize this bulb. Any other simular screw in bulb is unacceptable spectrum wise such as the ones sold in Wally World for 5.95 or something like that.

Anemones are a lot loke SPS corals in care requirements except they dont care for the strong currents as much prefering a more moderate flow.


New Member
Another choice is the Coralife 20 watt 50/50 CF. I modded my hex-5 hood to hold it, so I think you could do the same with a standard 5 hood.


New Member
awesome... thanks... i have the other screw in ones for my freshwater at the moment they work okay for that, but i don't have much for live plants in that tank as is.

thanks for all the help.