6g Custom

Flame Angel

New Member
For those of you who are also on nano-reef.com, you may know my tank...a 6g Eclipse. Well, if you know of the tank, you also know it's in the middle of a major custom job, and I'm going to chronicle that here.

Here are the specs so far:

Tank: 6g Eclipse
Lighting: 2 13W PCs (one Actinic 03 one 6400K), CSL 32W Retrofit, custom LED moonlight
Filtration: Rear bulkhead down to 10g sump with live rock, then rear bulkhead return. Removed stock filter. Red Sea Berlin-style protein skimmer on sump. Auto-topoff system.
Heating: Visitherm 150W heater in sump
Live Stuff: 10# live sand, mixed with 5# Tideline Coral Sand for texture. Plans include approx. 15# LR for the sump, and some decorative pieces for the main tank, around 6# or so.

I took out the stock filter, drilled two holes in the back panel near the top, and installed custom DIY PVC bulkheads that lead to 1/2" PVC tubing, down to a 10g AGA sump underneath. The sump is filled with LR, and macroalgae in the future, as well as housing my protein skimmer and heater.

The lighting, as you've read, consists of the CSL 32W PC retrofit kit in the front of the hood, and two 13W PCs on the feeding door. The plan is for the 6400K bulb to come on in the morning for an hour, then switch to the 32W CSL. At the end of the day, the Actinic 03 will come on for an hour or so, then the CSL will go off. 30 minutes after that, the Actinic 03 will go off, and the moonlight will come on and stay on throughout the night. I figure it will simulate a natural light cycle to a certain extent.

The overflow system is all DIY...cost me about $20 total for all the piping and fittings. It works well, with a minimal of noise, and surface skims at the same time.

I'll try and get some pics of the complete setup. My camera's batteries are dead, so I have to get some new ones before any pics are put up. Keep checking back!


Flame Angel

New Member

Alright, here's an update on the tank. My lighting plans have changed...instead of the 32W CSL retrofit, I'm going to do a suspended 20" Coralife 96W Quad hood. I'll remove the top, and epoxy on a custom shaped piece of acrylic over the top of the hood. No more wires hanging down over the back of the tank! Here's the hood:

I figure 96W of light is better than 50-something, huh? :wink:

Flame Angel

New Member
I took my Dremel with a disc tip today and cut off the inner lip of the tank's rim...the black piece that the hood itself sits on. The lip was going to be in the way of the acrylic plate, so it had to go...

I then spread a very thin layer of aquarium sealant over the inner shelf of the tank rim. That way, when I put the top on, it will seal up rather well, and not leak around the edges. :)

Again, sorry for the lack of pics. Batteries are a luxury for me right now, so I'll have to wait to buy more for my cam.


Flame Angel

New Member
Still trying to get some batteries for my cam. I keep forgetting on the way home from work :(

But I'll get some up soon enough :wink:


Flame Angel

New Member
They also say "koo koo kachoob with a fly skippy up dog skillet monkey biscuit says the cheese on my car." But I don't know what that means. =P~

I'll get some up ASAP. I get paid today, so that's a good thing ;)


Flame Angel

New Member

Alright folks, here are two pics of the setup so far...at least as far as plumbing, etc. is concerned. There won't be a whole lot to show until I get that lighting and some live rock, tho, so for now, you'll have to make do with the technical stuff.


Flame Angel

New Member
I guess...I don't even have anything live in it yet. At least nothing that would make it worthwhile for featured tank...


Flame Angel

New Member
Heck, all I did was drill the back of it and install some PVC piping. The real problem was getting the flow corrected. First it was too much water flow through there, then it was too little, so it made lots of slurping...I finally got it working. The flow through the system is very gradual, so I think it'll do very well in filtering itself.


Flame Angel

New Member
Yes, I definitely will. I had it working at one point where I wasn't going to need one, due to the insane amount of flow the pump itself caused, but I couldn't get the level to even out, so I had to dial it back a bit.


New Member
So that 96W Coralife will not be too long for the 6 gal? Wouldn't it have some major overhang on the sides?

Also with that plumbing, does it really take care of surface skimming? Got any recent pics and have you added anything yet?

I like what I see so far.

Flame Angel

New Member
No, the light is about 20" wide, and the tank is about 16" wide or so, so there's only about a 2" margin on either side, and since the bulb itself isn't 20" long, it works out rather well.

Right now, I'm in the process of moving, so nothing new has been added to the tank, nor do I plan on adding anything to the tank any time soon. Not until I'm settled in where I'm moving to.
