Wow thats your tank look amazing .. i remember when you first starting .. looking for small frags and look not what you got big whole colonies... wow it does looks really nice well done...
Thanks Ed... Its been a long journey :mrgreen: I remember you helping me and giving me advice. Actually it was everyone on this site! I want a new digital camera to show off the true colors of these corals. Mine is pretty old. So either more exotic corals or a digital camera ha,ha,ha pretty hard decision.
Lighting: 4 x 96 watts pc bulbs 50/50 bulbs
(Had a long chat with Edgray about bulbs. Going to change to 2 day light's and 2 actinic after 4-6 months.)
Filtration: I have a 30 gallon sump with live rocks and various plants.
(I'm planning on putting a sixline in there to control bristles. What do you guys think?)
Skimmer: Red Sea Berlin
Powerhead: two rio's in the tank and one with some kind of wave maker attachment. Along with the pvc piping with multiple holes that go across the whole tank, water coming from the sump.
Thats it for now... I have a 4 hour drive, sorry to make it so general. Thanks
the 6-lines are wonderful, active fish...but i've never seen m ine touch a bristle
what you need is an arrow crab...mine could be seen munching them regularly....used to see them all the time before he came...he's never bothered any of my other inhabitants, but they are known for eating small fan worms (mine didn't)