6 legged starfish


New Member
Here's a little guy that came with some of my LR. looks as though he lost some legs in the move and decided to grow an extra one for good measure.


Staff member
Thats an asterina star, they are pretty common hitchhikers that have anywhere from 3-7 legs. There is a similar variety that eats some corals but the ones that usually find their way into our tanks are the ones that stay on the glass and help keep algae clear on the glass.


New Member
I thought star fish always had 5 legs. You guys are always teaching me something, huh. Well thanks for the input. Glad to know he's most likely just going to eat algae. I don't see him very often. only twice since the tanks been up and running..... 6-8 weeks now I guess. I don't even remember when I got this thing going. Thats a bad sign.


New Member
That is absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing those pics. That second one is crazy. Doesn't look anything like a starfish.