6 degree temp swings - need a heater


New Member
Okay, I've had my tanks up for a few years now and recently (since its been getting cold) I've been paying a lot of attention to the water temps provided by my Corallife dig. themometer. I've realized that there are huge temp swings in my tanks from moring to night. This morning I had a reading of 71.4 and usually an evening time temp is around 77.

So, I assume everyone agrees this is a big temp swing that cannot be good for the health of my system? What kind of heater do you suggest? Will a 50 watter be okay in my 20? I need one that is small and reliable. Might eventually add one to my 5.5 and 2.5 as well. Thanks
visi-therm eh 100watt should be just fine, I use a 50w in my 10 and was about to get a 100w because a little more watts dont hurt, it will actually let the heater last longer


New Member
I have a 100w in my 20g tank and it took a few days to get it set right, even with the temp. scale on the heater. Almost every heater that I have owned has had a thermometer that has to be set lower than what water temp you want.
mine usually worked opposite, set it higher but the visatherm is right on with the temp, its set at 78 and the temp is 77-78 at all times

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
I've had two visa-therm heaters get stuck in the on postition. First one was three years ago when I first set up my original nano. 2 boiled fish. Second one was a year or so later and I lost a plate coral, an alveopora and a monit digi. All the other corals survived the 90+ degree water thankfully as did the clown.

I now use the ebo jager heater in the 30 and it keeps a nice stable temp. In the 2.5 I have a 25 watt submersible mini heater from www.petsolutions.com and it has kept the tank a stable 80 degrees since January of this year.


New Member
Great thanks SM. I'll prob. go with those two as well. My worst fear is coming home to a 95 deg. tank! I've heard nothing but good things so far about ebo jagers.


New Member
I've got a titanium heater in my sump, question though, should I keep the therometer in the sump or in the display tank? Both are in the sump right now, but it's a much smaller volume of water. or should they both be about the same? I really should have used two smaller heaters so if one goes out the tank will survive. I have no AC and I don't use my heater, but it can get into the 40's at night around here so I freeze and the tank is warm....uh....I must be loony