5.5 setup questions


New Member
Greetings, I'm new to nano reefing, though I have been reading up on it and lurking the forums for about a year and am finally buckling down and setting up a tank. I would like to do a 10 gallon nano, but due to lack of space I'm limited to a 5.5 AGA. I already have a 50w heater, AC101 powerhead, and a bio-wheel HOB for a 30 gallon (currently no media or wheel). I also bought some argonite reef sand but have not added it to the tank because I dont have the water or lights yet. I'm going to get a 28w 20 inch PC light as soon as I can, most likely next sunday or monday. I want to put the water, sand, and maybe some LR if it's safe to cycle without lighting (probably not). Eventually when I get everything running and happy I want to get some zoo's, mushrooms, maybe a candy cane, a peppermint or sexy shrimp, and a small fish like a firefish or some type of goby that will live comfortably in a 5.5. Am I on the right track here or is there something I'm missing? Another question that comes to mind is what is a refugium and if necesarry, how do I set one up in my HOB? Any help would be appreciated.


New Member
MadSnowman said:
Greetings, I'm new to nano reefing, though I have been reading up on it and lurking the forums for about a year and am finally buckling down and setting up a tank. I would like to do a 10 gallon nano, but due to lack of space I'm limited to a 5.5 AGA. I already have a 50w heater, AC101 powerhead, and a bio-wheel HOB for a 30 gallon (currently no media or wheel). I also bought some argonite reef sand but have not added it to the tank because I dont have the water or lights yet. I'm going to get a 28w 20 inch PC light as soon as I can, most likely next sunday or monday. I want to put the water, sand, and maybe some LR if it's safe to cycle without lighting (probably not). Eventually when I get everything running and happy I want to get some zoo's, mushrooms, maybe a candy cane, a peppermint or sexy shrimp, and a small fish like a firefish or some type of goby that will live comfortably in a 5.5. Am I on the right track here or is there something I'm missing? Another question that comes to mind is what is a refugium and if necesarry, how do I set one up in my HOB? Any help would be appreciated.
It's actually better if you cycle the tank with the lights off. If you're planning on doing a fuge in your HOB, then you'll need a light source for the macro algae in it. It will be fine to run the light on that while the tank cycles, but you don't want the tank lights on during this period.
What type of HOB filter do you have? Not all of them are large enough to use as a fuge.



New Member
the HOB is have is a Penguin 150, I used it for my 29g. Is a refugium absolutely necessary and how do I go about setting it up if it is necessary?


New Member
Honestly I wouldn't worry about it on a 5.5g tank. Just run the filter with the sponge/carbon insert and change your water weekly.



New Member
sounds good to me. I bought premixed salt water from the LFS I work at that we use for our reef tanks so I bought some LR and am starting to cycle, all my equipment works and is running fine, just waiting for the sand to settle. I only got about 3lbs of LR, should I get some more.


New Member
MadSnowman said:
sounds good to me. I bought premixed salt water from the LFS I work at that we use for our reef tanks so I bought some LR and am starting to cycle, all my equipment works and is running fine, just waiting for the sand to settle. I only got about 3lbs of LR, should I get some more.
All the recommendations I've always read for how much liverock, is 1-3lbs per gallon. I generally start my tanks with about 1.5-2lbs per gallon, and leave myself a bit of room. Most corals will come on pieces of rock, so it gradually fills up. I'd get at least a couple more pounds for your tank to start off with.



New Member
I figured most of my corals were going to come with LR seeing as I'm not going to even try anenomes (sp?). I might snag 2 more lbs though


New Member
I agree, I wouldn't even bother with a fuge unless you really want to have one. Its no biggie either way. A HOB filter would be sufficient IMO.