New Member
Greetings, I'm new to nano reefing, though I have been reading up on it and lurking the forums for about a year and am finally buckling down and setting up a tank. I would like to do a 10 gallon nano, but due to lack of space I'm limited to a 5.5 AGA. I already have a 50w heater, AC101 powerhead, and a bio-wheel HOB for a 30 gallon (currently no media or wheel). I also bought some argonite reef sand but have not added it to the tank because I dont have the water or lights yet. I'm going to get a 28w 20 inch PC light as soon as I can, most likely next sunday or monday. I want to put the water, sand, and maybe some LR if it's safe to cycle without lighting (probably not). Eventually when I get everything running and happy I want to get some zoo's, mushrooms, maybe a candy cane, a peppermint or sexy shrimp, and a small fish like a firefish or some type of goby that will live comfortably in a 5.5. Am I on the right track here or is there something I'm missing? Another question that comes to mind is what is a refugium and if necesarry, how do I set one up in my HOB? Any help would be appreciated.