33 or 30G FOWLR


New Member
Hi Guys,

Here is some pictures of my Fish only tank. I am sure I broke a few rules on this tank.

30 or 33 G not to sure it is 36" long, 35+ LBS LR, Jebo 67X2W 50/50 lights, Coralife 1W Moon light, ML 100W heater, SEIO M620 Powerhead, AC 50 Power Filter with Chemi-Pure only, Remora Skimmer, Nutrafin ProFeeder, Coralife Powercenter,
Fish; Maroon Clown, Yellow Tang, Auriga Butterflyfish

Inverts, Cleaner Shrimp, Peppermint Shrimp, White Sand Star, 12 hermits (Blue legged and Zebra) 12 Snails (Astrea Snails, Turbo Snails)

I just got the butterflyfish and I already trained him to eat flakes (I know I should have not picked him up but he is so cool).

I have had the Yellow tang for about a month and the maroon clown for 8 months now.

If they fish get too big I will have to upgrade my tank but the seem fine for now

What you think?




New Member
Well, gutsy move on the butterfly AND yellow tang. The fish look real nice... have you considered adding a macro like Gracilaria for the tang and butterfly to feed on? It could also help with nutrient export.

Is there any aggression between the fish?



New Member
Yes, that is pushing it a bit, but cool, looks good. You really should be feeding something better than flake food for the tang, and especially the butterfly.

If you feed them only flake, you will find that as they grow, they will lose their color, and may become victim to disfiguring diseases such as lateral line, etc.

Butterflys need meaty foods (enhanced brine, mysis, etc). Tangs, herbivores, need algae (caulerpa, spirulinia, etc).


New Member
Thaks for the reply's guys,

I feed them mysis, Brine and green algae (I have to dient kinds) once a day as well. I am just happy they will also eat flakes so if I go away for a few day the still eat something (I hae made up a batch of 5 kinds of flaks and freezed dried brine shrimp.

They all seem realy happy, I had to get rid of my 6 line wrasse he was beetng on my maroon clown.

They tang was fighting with the butterfly on the first day. I pulled the tang out for a day and moved the rock around. Put the Tang in the next day and they are best of friends now.

I was going to grow some algae in the tank but I heard from my friends that it takes out the calcium so then I would have to dose it. Right now the calcium leavel is fine in the tank and I don't want to start playing with that if I do not have too.



New Member
How in the fudge did I miss this post
Nice tank Nemo every thing looks so happy
I miss my goldstripe maroon....... good job with this tank :mrgreen:
Ok now for a Sadie wine
I wanna bigger tank :cry:


New Member
Thanks sadielynn,

I want a bigger tank too but the wife will not let me right now. How long did it take for your Maroon to out grow your tank? I been feeding mine like crazy and he does not seem to be growing much at all.



New Member
He was in the 7gmb and it took him a whopping 6 months :mrgreen:
here it is not the other half it is the stinky land lord who happens to be a class jack ass :mrgreen:


New Member
Nice tank nemo love the yellow tank but what a great butterfly... bouth are really cute ....nite aquascape....

eddy :cool1:


New Member
Thanks Ed, My butterfly is so cool and he only set me back 20 bucks.

sadielynn you sould be able to set up at least a 20G what kind of rules do they have in the USA? I was thinking of maybe moving there someday it is -40C outside right now (I am not too sure how many more day of this I can take). I live in an appartment too that is one of the resons why we don't have a bigger tank. I would get a 150G but I think it would fall thru the floor and maybe kill someone.



New Member
I like it, I myself have a 29 so, right around your size, but right now it is set up as a cichlid tank and I am toying with the idea of converting it to a fowlr tank, but with the upgrades that i would need to purchase it seems kinda like a stretch for a student like myself, do you mind telling me what you paid for that lighting setup you have, and how much did the skimmer cost....anyways your tank and fish combination is making me want to bag my cichlids right now and take them back to my LFS. :oops: