3 gallon fuge


New Member
My main tank is a 6 gallon eclipse.I also have a 3 gallon and was thinking about making it a fuge,but I'm not sure how to set it up.Could someone give some suggestions or should I just scrap the whole ideathanks guys and gals


Staff member
If you wanted to drill the back of the 6 you could have a gravity overflow from it into the 3 and have a small powerhead in the 3 pumping water into the 6.
What do you hope to accomplish with this refugium? More water? Nutrient export? Pod production? Knowing the answer to this will help make the best suggestion for accomplishing your goal. Skip


New Member
yeah...what skipm said.

Plus you need to decide where you have room for it. Above the 6, below or behind.

Depends how much clutter you can live with in your 6. Drilling has the least clutter to get the water out, plus it skims the water surface for you.

I wouldn't have a tank without a fuge.....but then again, that's just me!!! :lol: