29 Biocube Water Level Problems.


New Member
Well Here We Go! My first problem. I have a 29 Biocube that I'm having a problem getting the water level correct. When there is enough water in the back sump, the water is flowing over the back wall. One of my clown fish keeps jumping over into the 3rd chamber. I have seen another post related to this topic and kind of got side tracked into a water sampling topic. I have called my local pet shop and was told I'm lucky that my clown fish wasn't jumping onto the floor instead of the 3rd sump. Another LFS told me that it might be a air lock in the sponge between the 2nd and 3rd chambers. I have tried moving the carbon filter to the right (Out of the Slots) as suggested. This also did not help. Please Help!


New Member

Ok, I am going to try to keep calm while writing all the frustrations that this problem has plagued me with since Dec. 21st, 2006. This is definitely a design problem with Oceanic(I bought this tank because I thought they had a good reputation) I was not familiar with this site at the time. I have tried everything that all these good people have suggested without to much luck in solving what is wrong.
This is how I have learned to live with it. Turn off the pump and fill the water level to where it is near the top of the back wall. Turn back on and it will adjust to a little more than the max suggested in the third chamber. I have removed the bioballs, the sponge, and have enlarged the opening between the first and second chamber. The problem that I now have is that after one day the biomechanical filter in the first chamber has to be changed. However, I just rinse it out and alternate between four that I have. You know that these filters are supposed to last about six weeks. If I don't clean them the pump chamber drops too low and it starts spewing bubbles. This is very agravating and disappointing. Keep in touch with what you find that works for you. Oh, yes, I just lost a Neon Dottyback because it jumped over the back wall into the pump chamber. I tried to catch it, trap it, but it has disappeared under the second chamber where I can't see him. This has been several days now.


New Member
29 gal biocube

I also am having the same problem. It is definitely as design problem. if i dont clean my filter out DAILY i spew bubbles. if i put enough water in to stop the bubbles I am overflowing into the sump.
Very aggravating .................let me know if you find a solution to this problem or get any satisfaction from oceanic

Thanks Kevin


New Member
That stock filter is now in the trash. My water level is great and tank is already a lot clearer. Here is what I have done. Removed stock filter. The only thing in chamber 1 is the heater. Chamber 2 now has filter pad on top of the drip tray and a Seachem Purigen pad on top of the Live Rock rubble. Chamber 3 has a media bag with 1 cup of carbon chips in it. The flow is great and the levels are better. Look at the stock filter. How much carbon can be jammed into that narrow filter? I will let you guys know how it all works out, but as right now, it looks like the problem is fixed.


New Member

Ok, I am using your suggestion about the stock filter. I removed it and placed a filter pad over the drip plate.(I cut the pad to fit) However, the flow of water seems to flow over just a small portion of the filter pad instead of over the whole pad. The rest of the pad seems to remain dry. Did you have this problem? I seem to go from one problem to another. I.also, added a unit of ChemiPure in the second chamber.

Please let me know if you have the same results.


New Member
Make sure your drip plate is all the way down until it stops. My whole Filter Pad is not wet but most of it is. The tank looked a little cloudy tonight. I did check my parameters again and all seemed OK. My biggest problem is that when you don't really know what you are doing, it creates a problem of its own. What are you running your temp? Mine is at 77' most of the time. I always get this feeling that I'm feeding to much when I'm not feeding enough. It's so hard to tell with that much current. You can't see the amount of food eaten vs. what isn't.


New Member
you can turn your pumps off when feeding. I do this and it helps my fish find their food. I have around 40x volume of flow in my tank and my clowns can't catch the food if i don't.


New Member
Thanks for the information Trogdor. This should also make easy clean up if there is any left over food. Thanks again.