24g Nano temp


New Member
I have a 24g Nano that has no heater and is heating up on me. It is a new tank and I am cycling rock as we speak and on the 3rd day. 8/30/05
I have turned the lights out and the temp goes down but is there a small enough chiller for this? The fans are working and seems that they are pulling heat out but not enough I guess. Any help would be great. :iill


New Member
I'm not sure if there are any DIY articles on here regarding it but there are some around about installing smaller computer fans into the nanocube hoods for additional cooling. I am assuming this is a nanocube.


Master Er

New Member
You could try this...though my tank is only a 12, you'd have more space in your canopy since its a 24. One fan blows in while 3 blow out. There will notice the big difference.

But you will have to put two of the fans on a separate power supply. And if you look at the side vents, I covered the top area so as to force air only through the sides to have better contact with the lights.