20L lighting/pc


New Member
I have 72w of pc on my tank now with 3 fish, crabs and urchin. I want to house mushrooms only and want a clam. I have a pc ballast that will run two 36w but I need bulbs. I'm going to buy the bulbs next week. Is 144w of pc enough or too much lighting?


New Member
:welcome to Nanotank!

With 144w of lighting on the 20L tank you could have mushrooms/softies and even some LPS without any issues. As for the clam, that just isn't enough light to sustain one. A clam needs atleast MH lighting to survive as they get their energy from the light.


New Member
NO CROCEAS OR MAXIMAS! Maybe a deresa or squamosa. However, assuming this is your first saltwater tank, give it some time. Start out with mushrooms and zoanthids and stuff like that. 144 watts of PC lighting will work great for them on the 20L . Read read and read about clams, test your water regulary for swings in temp, pH, Ca, Alk, nitrites/nitrates and ammonia and go from there with the clams.

BTW, :welcome to nanotank.com!
