2 options


New Member
I would say go with the 2x65. the fan does not make a lot of noise. I'm not a light expert as far as the technical stuff, but with 2x65 it will make corals happier, and you have a little more lead way with what you may be able to keep. What are you trying to keep?


New Member
So if i go with the:

30" x 5-1/2" Saltwater; 48 watt

for my 20 gallon long from
http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/p ... atid=16770

will the wattage be sufficient for my tank, if i expand to doing corals and reefs? and i will need a splash guard right? because i thought splash guards are bad. (they restrict air flow to the tank). Sorry for all the noobie questions. :oops: just want to make sure im doing a good job. thank you in advance.


New Member
They are good questions. I have T5 lights, not THOSE light specifically - but comparable. And I have clams, SPS, LPS, and so on. I may have to put higher demanding items midway or higher, but I can keep anything happy with them. I don't have a splash guard, but my bulbs are about 5 inches water so I don't have much worry about splash. You are correct about glass covering everything and the POTENTIAL for heat and less oxygen exchange. T5s are quite cool and you shouldn't have too much problem with them.