New Member
ok is funny but still on shock and wondering... why? well you all know that i have been upgrading my cube to more PC power then to MH and then combo of MH & PC power.... well almost same thing on my pico 2.5g tank but only more power of PC so well i upgraded from 18w pc to 48w pc.. and i thought everything was gonna be ok never thought on aclimating my corals or anything since they were under MH... but i was wrong or something, imagine just with power of PC i bleached one shroom, a frogspawn branch and some zoas in my 2.5g and is funny cause this never happend to me, can anyone explain why is this ... the tank is 8 inches tall and pc's 1-2inches above water running relux daylight & actinic... but well the color looks better on shroom but not in the frogspawn or zoas (also not opening starting to hate zoanthids F... them) :lol: ....


New Member
thats crazy ED, sorry to here your having problems. i couldnt begin to imagine why your having this problem, sorry im not any help.


light is more then just watts - PAR and spectrum as well as UV/actinic play an important roll in acclimation. "they" (don't ask me who they are or if "they" know what they're talking about) say thats it's easier for corals to go from higher light to lower light then in reverse. My personal experience is quite simple though - whenever i change an environment on a coral - i start it out on the very bottom of the tank and slowly move it to where i want it. in this way i have found i could put almost any coral under almost any light without too much stress. acclimation to a new environment takes a month at minimum. corals have to have time to allow their zoaxanthelea to adapt to the new light, hence the color shifts we notice. lighting will favor the growth of certain zoaxanthelea and the loss of others, we may notice this as bleaching. i killed an SPS once because i thought since it was coming from a tank that had much more light then mine i could just place it where i wanted it and it would be fine.... be mistake - it bleached and then RTNed in less then a week. i guess "they" don't really know what they're talking about
temperature is another factor in zoaxanthelea growth. i have found that my tanks higher summertime temps result in lighter corals and winter cools in darker.
stress is another factor, many corals shead zoaxanthelea in reaction to stress - any stress. example many of you know i'm fighting nudis in my fiji tank. after a fresh water dip many of my corals bleached a little - i could see they were sheading zoaxanthelea in their slime. i know it will take months before they come back to their full coloration. - d**n nudis!!!
sorry for the book - but bleaching is not a one liner....... many things fall into play. - patience, if all else is well they will color back up


New Member
YOU RIGHT! J&D... POOR corals i guess i did alot of things wrong with them... first not aclimating them and given enought time to get used to the new environment and another issue was temperature since one tank is 78f and the other 72f... but hopefully the hairy shroom will stay like that since looks really nice! ill try to take a pic of it, and then the rest look like s#$% :lol: sorry for my Inglish :lol: anyways thx for the explanation and well good luck with the constant fight :mrgreen:..



New Member

EDGRAY said:
ok is funny but still on shock and wondering... why? well you all know that i have been upgrading my cube to more PC power then to MH and then combo of MH & PC power.... well almost same thing on my pico 2.5g tank but only more power of PC so well i upgraded from 18w pc to 48w pc.. and i thought everything was gonna be ok never thought on aclimating my corals or anything since they were under MH... but i was wrong or something, imagine just with power of PC i bleached one shroom, a frogspawn branch and some zoas in my 2.5g and is funny cause this never happend to me, can anyone explain why is this ... the tank is 8 inches tall and pc's 1-2inches above water running relux daylight & actinic... but well the color looks better on shroom but not in the frogspawn or zoas (also not opening starting to hate zoanthids F... them) :lol: ....

LOL :lol3: I feel your pain Eddy. I wanted to get rid of all of my zoo's at one point because they wouldn't open up and weren't as colorful from when I first got them. After numerous dips it seems like things are returning to normal but very slowly. I think my corals would have bleached (If not already) or worst if you had not of told me of acclimating the MH upgrade. Sorry I'm of no help and I know it's off topic but I'd just thought I'd share that with you. :mrgreen:


New Member
NP Brian not asking for help .. i was just wondering an at same time just wanted to share so people can now that even with PC power they can bleach stuff but anyways BRIAN thx for sharing and glad that i help you in some way :roll: ;-) (aclimating) :lol:...

by the way back to the 2.5g ... i think is gonna crash soon something is not going good in this tank first some black algea almost looking like redslime i dose my tank so far so good but corals not looking good just some and to prevent the bleaching and to see if the few corals i have there to recover im running bouth 24wpc Actinics looks really purple :lol: but see if that helps for a while and well all zoas from that tank are in trash now and some gonna be remove to my 12g or just to leave them there but what i know for sure is no more zoas allowed in this tank anymore :twisted: F@$& zoanthis :lol:....


New Member
Ok here is a pic not my best shot but the tank look like this....now looks trashie...:lol:



New Member
SWEET EDDY!! It's about time you posted a picture of this tank. Hope you can save this tank because I'd like to see more of it. The colors are incredible!:maitre


New Member
you are absolutly right Brian........i have been triing to get my hands on that stuff, never can though.


New Member
drty811 said:
you are absolutly right Brian........i have been triing to get my hands on that stuff, never can though.
WELL ERICK PM you addy ill send you some if not from the one i have ill ask Jesse to give me some for you ok, and thx all glad you like my crashing tank is ok, hope it gets better .... until that im not adding nothing but at least my only fish in that tank is doing well (catalina goby)..



New Member
Botryocladia sp....aka red grape kelp... I got it from Dragon79, eddy got it from me! It grows rather quick in my sump and is very attractive.



New Member
wow your piece is growing fast, and boy does that look cool. thats what i have been lookin for to color up my fuge. thanks guys.


New Member
EDGRAY said:
drty811 said:
you are absolutly right Brian........i have been triing to get my hands on that stuff, never can though.
WELL ERICK PM you addy ill send you some if not from the one i have ill ask Jesse to give me some for you ok, and thx all glad you like my crashing tank is ok, hope it gets better .... until that im not adding nothing but at least my only fish in that tank is doing well (catalina goby)..


Eddy, can I get some too please? :mrgreen:


New Member
:lol:..... Brian god you should told me before but well .... i'll see how big is the piece that jesse will give me for erick (since jesse is giving some and im giving some) all depending on the size i'll see if i can get you a piece ok, but just in case send me a PM with your addy Brian...


(even if is a small piece brian but ill send you some on monday just like im doing to erick)

P.S: For future request of Red grape please allowed 4 months until jesse grows more ok :lol: he is the one with the prop red grape :lol: ....


New Member
ill be able to grow the s*** out of it when i get it. for some reason i have a super fuge and the algae grows crazy. i have been selling my chaeto back to the LFS. ill be the east coast distributer....lmao


New Member
drty811 said:
ill be able to grow the s*** out of it when i get it. for some reason i have a super fuge and the algae grows crazy. i have been selling my chaeto back to the LFS. ill be the east coast distributer....lmao

Lucky for you, my LFS won't even give store credit. You know they use to sell them on eBay for like $10 a strand but I don't see them anymore.