I'm a total noobie so I guess I will start with some softies to see how it works and then when I am brave try some LPS.
In fact I have started already :mrgreen: If you look to the right and just above that blue sponge to the right of center you'll see some coralline, immediately above the coralline you can see some hitchhiker button polyps. It looks like they may be developing green centers
I'm really in no hurry to add corals just yet. I'll add two or three fish and watch the hitchhikers who keep appearing, and let everything settle down. I already have a A. yanoi shrimp goby in there, and it has the most beautiful finnage.
It might look like there is so much rock there is no room for coral, but only the bottom tier has a more less fixed position, it has internal caves and spaces for concealed powerheads. The upper tiers can be moved around or removed should that be needed.
PS You liked the rock. I kinda like it too. It is Indonesian of which you find a lot here. I guess the sources are not so intensively exploited as are other Pacific sites like Fiji. So you tend to get a lot more macro-life on it. Try some if you can find it.