12 line wrasse - good buy?


New Member
I know how common the 6 line wrasse is, but today I saw the 12 line wrasse and was amazed by the coloration. It's price although was pricey, it was at 42 dollars. Worth to pay? or can they be bought cheaper? Anything special I should know about this particular fish? What is the smallest gallon tank can it accomodate without freaking out and stressin' itself to death...

Thanks guys & gals ! :blob


New Member
I have never heard of a 12 line wrasse but I would think that it would need a 30 or larger if you get it post pictures of it please it sounds very pretty


New Member
I did up some digging and everytime I looked up 12 line wrasse, it would never show me a picture. There would be a site for it, but when you click, the images were dead :(. The closest thing I saw was when I read about the 4-line wrasse, it says that it's also been called the 12-line wrasse, and when searching on it, I think I see it. Here's a pic:

I saw this posted as "4 line wrasse"

Although the one I saw was kinda more blue...it's hard to tell. All I know it was a beauty. Definitely different from the cousin the 6-line wrasse. Hopefully somebody can school me about this fish and how to identify a real 12 line from a fake.


New Member
well steven you could always get him if you find out the tank is not big enough
you could set one up like mikes :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
sadielynn said:
well steven you could always get him if you find out the tank is not big enough
you could set one up like mikes :lol: :lol: :lol:
haha, I'm not as crazy or a big money baller like my older brother. I think the rule for this little fish, is the same as it's cousin. Minimum of 20 gallon tank, and I believe you can skate away with a 12 gallon as I've seen the six line wrasse in my brother's old nano tank and in other reefers' cubes.

So I guess I am still wondering if that fish is rare find and worth paying that price? or a rip-off? I'd like one, but I know I can't accomodate him, space wise, and sandra's 12 might be the only one it could go to, but she already has 3 fish. Who to get rid of?? lol.

Bah, I just need a slightly bigger tank.....20 gallon soon, you never know :p


New Member
I would go for it I have 4 in my 7 gallon you should be ok you are very good with
water quality and water changes I guess I was thinking of a diffrent fish :oops:
I have never seen or even heard of the 12 line wrasse so Iwould say it sounds like a good find


New Member
in the 12 maybe, I know that little fishy loves to move around in and out of the rockwork. I hope maybe incysor, sugar, may put in there input on the matter on the fish.


Active Member
I don't know anything regarding the 12 line wrasse. All I can tell you is that the six line wrasse is very unique. It starts of shy and then becomes more outgoing and swims around the tank after it knows it's safe.

It's very inquisitive and has unique eyes that can rotate out of it's sockets. Makes them look almost human as they turn them around.

They get along with most fish, I've noticed that when I brought in new fish it would take a look at them, size them up and then leave them alone. If the fish resembles it, it wants to fight it, like the orchid dottyback, they fought but only sizing up no bitting.

They love to hunt, love pods, the big pods that look scary, they will hunt them out of rock and attack like no tommorrow.

He gets along with the clowns and gobies but doesn't like my blue damsel, then again NO ONE LIKES THE BLUE DAMSEL, THAT INCLUDES ME....



New Member
They're also called four line wrasses. The scientific name is Pseudocheilinus tetrataenia. You'll see this wrasse called either one pretty regularly.
Twelve lines aren't particularly rare. But they're one of the ones that seem kind of seasonal. Lots of stuff in the hobby seems this way.

I'd say they shouldn't be more than a third more expensive than a six line.




New Member
incysor said:
They're also called four line wrasses. The scientific name is Pseudocheilinus tetrataenia. You'll see this wrasse called either one pretty regularly.
Twelve lines aren't particularly rare. But they're one of the ones that seem kind of seasonal. Lots of stuff in the hobby seems this way.

I'd say they shouldn't be more than a third more expensive than a six line.


what would you accomodate them in? Sandra used to have 4 fish, and she keeps up with water changes, but lost her (mandarin goby) **as expected** about a month ago. The little dude lived for 6 months on prepared food but it's a real PITA to spot feed that guy, and even though, it's like they have a bottomless pit, so I can understand how they need a big ol tank like Mikes' to live in. Anyway, I think perhaps for her either this 12 line/4line wrasse should do the trick, but he's expensive, like 42 bucks. That's like triple the price a sixline costs isn't it. Aren't they usually like 15 bucks tops? Anyway if not advised I'd refrain from getting it for Sandra, but I know she also talked about getting a 2nd clown to keep Nemo company, as the purple firefish and bi-color blenny do not interact with Nemo at all. I know it's pushing it, but I'm guessing it may work out with no problems. Aww decisions decisions.

As for my 6 gallon when the time is right I will get a 20 gallon bowfront, transfer my two clowns, get that 4 line / 12 line like in that picture I provided above, and my gobies are still kickin' they'll go in too being they are so small (neon & gold goby & redheaded goby.) The rest will be attaching nice colored zoos all around. I'll problaby ditch the xenia, unless I'd find a spot where it can't attach to anything and multiply. *not that I have had a outbreak, but I have seen how it can get*

Well anyway when that time comes around to upgrades I'll post up for suggestions, brands, and accessories so I get it going right. See ya guys/gals later. Thanks for the help to everybody who got back to me.


New Member
I'd skip it. I think it would definetely need a larger tank than the 6g. The 12g would be pushing it. It's not gonna interact with the clownfish. Six lines go for $15-$25 here, depending on how many are around. The four/twelve line goes for $30-$50 again depending on how many are in the shops. I'd just wait until you get a larger tank, then shop around some.



New Member
So did you ever end up getting one of these guys? I just started seeing them again in the LFS around here, and wondered what you'd decided.
