105 ltr tank fish question!!!


New Member
I have been researching compatible fish for my 105ltr tank and was wondering if these fish would be good together and if this is too many or is there room for 1 more?

Bicolor Blenny x 1
Yellowtail Damselfish x 1
Firefish x 1
Yellow Watchman Goby x 1

nassarius snails x 5
Trochus Snail x 3
Turbo Snails x 5
Red Legged Hermit Crab x 1
Electric Blue Hermit Crab x 1
Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp X 1

any advise would be grateful.


New Member
I have never had a good experience with any sort of damselfish. I had to fire fish that were bullies to death by a single (small) damsel. Blennies and Gobies are a good choice for small tanks.


New Member
LOL in my tank the firefish are the bullies. That will change when the tang is introduced (I hope). I don't see anything blazingly odd about the list, but I am no expert.


New Member
Damsel fish are notoriously territorial. They also most often lose all the pretty markings as they age, and get quite large. I would avoid the damsel.