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    5g hex lighting

    I just posted newer pictures of my new lighting in my little thread in the pictures section:
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    My 5 gallon hex

    Ok I got the USB cable, and I changed my lighting. I got some 2x13w CF shop light from the store for like $24, and it had a reflector in it. I rigged it all up, looks fine on the tank, and the lighting looks much better than what I had before:
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    5g hex lighting

    Err, I just noticed that it does have a reflector, but it's a piece of junk :)
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    My 5 gallon hex

    Don't laugh.. :) Hell, you can't laugh cause the picture quality is so horrible. I'm going to go try to find a USB cable for my friends digital camera they lent me so I can try to get some decent pics up.
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    5g hex lighting

    Hey guys! My little nanotank is a freshwater :) 5 gallon hex. It's the little $30 kit you get from WalMart and wherever else. I replaced the lamp-holder with one from my house, and I put in a screw-in 20w "compact flourescent" light, as pictured here...
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    Posting pictures ..

    Administrator; I wanted to let you know about which is a great place to host pictures for free. Maybe you could put it in your stickied message in the picture posting area.