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  1. Y

    best mods for a nanocube 12dx

    I agree, if you are not going to do corals, then it's ok not to have mods... Dental Lubbock | Dentists Lubbock
  2. Y

    Coral ID needed

    It does look like an anemone... Dental Lubbock | Dentists Lubbock
  3. Y

    10 gal. nano with 2 shrimp & blenny, Qs

    My cousin is trying his hand at growing red mushrooms and they are pretty. Dental Lubbock | Dentists Lubbock
  4. Y

    first saltwater tank

    Congratulations on your new tank! I have yet to get my saltwater tank, but I am still looking for the perfect timing to have it set up. Good luck with your tank! Dental Lubbock | Dentists Lubbock