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    Snaza`s 8g/30l SPS Nano/Frag tank 25x9x8 inches!

    Well its been 3 months and growth has been pretty good.
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    Snaza`s 8g/30l SPS Nano/Frag tank 25x9x8 inches!

    Well I did a bit of aquascaping tonight and got the frags off the sandbed. All i need now are some nice colourful frags. I used what i had but want MORE (-: Here are some pics so far. Im not completely happy but its a start. I added another small pump too so there is PLENTY of flow. about...
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    Snaza`s 8g/30l SPS Nano/Frag tank 25x9x8 inches!

    MORE PLUMBING PICS :konk: The Lights will be hung from the ceiling
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    Snaza`s 8g/30l SPS Nano/Frag tank 25x9x8 inches!

    The tank will sit on a shelf next to my 4x2x2. Hope it can hold the weight. I did use 9 dynabolts and sat on the shelf to see if it could hold my 75kg. Ill still hold my breathe when filling it. :nut: Im using some black non slip foam/rubber stuff I HATE PLUMBING
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    Snaza`s 8g/30l SPS Nano/Frag tank 25x9x8 inches!

    Hi again Well i couldnt decide if i wanted a nano or a frag tank so i combined their dimensions and this is what i came up with. Thanks to Dennison for transforming my drawing into a real tank. The actually dimensions are 800 x 240 x 200mm. The last 170mm is for hiding equipment so the...
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    help with an aqua medic Nano Wave 9

    Hi guys, im new to nano as a currently have a 120G mixed reef. Its going well but i'm really keen to try a nano. im looking at the aqua medic Nano Wave 9. Its an all in one. does anyone have one? it has 48w PC lighting. what sort of lighting would i need for a 9gal tank? would 48w be enough...