Search results

  1. phoenix_princess

    New to Nano's - need advice

    I think that I have settled on a pair of ocillarius clowns, paired if I can get them and see how it goes. I would put the fish in the 120 gallon, but it is a very used acrylic tank that looks horrible and is only good for growing out things to display. It is nowhere near a display tank. I...
  2. phoenix_princess

    New to Nano's - need advice

    Thanks for all of the advice. I would post a picture of it but I can't figure out how to insert a picture here. As to feeding the Mandarin, I have a 120 gallon tank that is just full of copepods and such. Actually, right now that is about all that is in the tank besides the live rock...
  3. phoenix_princess

    New to Nano's - need advice

    I am getting ready to set-up a Tenecor 12 gallon Pentagon Simplicity Nano tank (filtration is integral part of tank). Can I keep any sort of Clown fish and associated Anenome is such a small tank? I was also considering a Manadarin Goby if I could not keep the Clown. I am not new to fish...