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  1. K

    T5 Actinic question

    Hello, I have a couple of lighting based questions. I have a Resun DMS 400T5 which has been set up for just under a year. I have it stocked with soft corals and 2 common clowns. It has 4 x 8w T5 tubes, 3 10 000K white tube and a blue 'actinic' tube. I am having a lot of trouble finding...
  2. K

    Protein skimmer set up.

    Hello, I have a question regarding skimmers; I have a Boyu 120lph protein skimmen in my nano cube, what should the residue collected in the collection cup look like? At the moment the reidue in the collection cup is dirty water, with a slimy residue on the inside of the cup. Is this...
  3. K

    Resun DMS 400T5

    Hello, Feedback on the aquascaping would be appreciated. I have placed the corals and they seem to be ok regarding the lighting and flow. I am concerned that the leather corals may outgrow the tank, I am not sure how fast they grow. Regards, Nic
  4. K

    Resun DMS 400T5

    Hello, I am new to marine fishkeeping, and new to nano tanks. I have attached a couple of pics and am looking for feedback. The tank is a resun dms 400 t5, and has been set up for a few months. It contains; a percula clown and a false gramma. a couple of different leather corals...