Search results

  1. J

    stefani water purifier... suitable for topping up a tank?

    is a stefani water purifier suitable to create RO/DI water? does it do the same job? because i have one of them. apparently the purifier removes everything but fluoride so i dunno if it can do wat an actual R/O unit does. any suggestions?
  2. J

    new to this, just a quick topping up question

    alright, so RODI water seems to be the best bet as it has been conditioned and is safe from tap water problems? where do i buy it? if there was a problem with buying it, i could still use tap water that has been conditioned? ive always used tap water for my previous africans and before that...
  3. J

    new to this, just a quick topping up question

    I'm new to keeping a reef aquarium and currently just in the process of cycling my tank. so i thought id better understand topping up the water better before i do it myself and most likely do it wrong.. bit of background: at the moment i have a cycling (just over a week) 45 gallon salt water...