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  1. S

    My 10 gallon build.

    If I were to build it again though I would lower the intake piece about 1/4 - 1/2 inch below the rim just incase the opening got blocked so that the water could overflow in to the main section rather than overflow on to the floor. It would be an easy fix with a dremel, I just have not gotten...
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    My 10 gallon build.

    There is about a one inch opening at the bottom. No sand or rubble. Just a bag of chemi-pure and chaeto which is not shown in the pictures.
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    My 10 gallon build.

    The screen is actually part of the media basket that came with the filter. The clear piece next to that and the piece that blocks off part of the intake is made from plexi. The part covering the intake is open at the bottom so that the water is directed to the bottom so that it has to go from...
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    My 10 gallon build.

    AC 70 fuge mod pictures.
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    During the cycle I would test everyday or at least every other day.
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    API liquid test kit. Inexpensive, easy to use, works great. To start you need ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. You'll need these through the cycle. For testing salt levels you need a hydrometer or much better than that would be a refractometer. They cost more but the accuracy and ease of use...
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    6 Gallon Nano Cube Light Dead

    My Duncan eats like a monster. Sucks shrimp pieces in to its mouth and then curls up around it. Very cool.
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    My advise is take it slow. Patience is key in the SW hobby.
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    Small tank, large questions

    Try here. Good site and very active. ... owforum=37
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    6 Gallon Nano Cube Light Dead

    If you use a flat screw driver and hammer you should be able to break piece of the rock that has the shroom on it and just transplant that to the other tank. Otherwise removing it from the rock should not hurt it at all. They are very tough.
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    Small tank, large questions

    Yeah, not sure about a light like that that has more than 9w of light unless you DIY it. I am sure there is something out there but nothing off the top of my head.
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    Small tank, large questions

    Unless you really want this tank, you could always put together a pico for about the same money or even a little less. Might not be as fancy looking but it would be good quality. Not to say the one you are looking at isn't, but you could be sure the one you put together was. For my money I...
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    6 Gallon Nano Cube Light Dead

    Can you just put the whole piece of rock in to the other tank? I think that the mushroom should be ok for at least a few days. It is not uncommon for people to use a dark period to combat algae problems without any problems so you should be ok for now.
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    feeding zoo's

    Some Zoa's may take food but they are photosynthetic so all they need is the proper light and good water conditions. I know that my duncan will scarf up food when offered like no tomorrow.
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    which crab

    Porcelain crabs actually like to be in groups. The pom pom would be cool in your little tank though with his little pets. Also pom poms can be kept more than one as well but not sure about in such a small tank. They are supposed to be very peaceful.
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    Lighting upgrade on a 12g eclipse???

    Not sure about a direct replacement but I am sure you can mod it to get a better light in there or atleast add a second light. What are the dimensions?
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    Considering a picotope

    Very nice and looks like your b/f has some DIY skills. That is something that is invaluable in this hobby.
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    My 10 gallon build.

  19. S

    HelifaxNZ's 7G Nano

    I used to have one for my FW tank that was nice. I vacuumed the gravel and the clean water went back in to the tank. That way I could clean ALL the substrate. When I was done I could change the water. Very handy.
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    Considering a picotope

    Being completely closed is likely the reason if it is in fact actually too hot. An opening might help and if need be a small fan.