Search results

  1. S

    8g Bio-Cube

    I handle all of the aquatics ordering at the store that I work at. I was dumb founded when I crunched the numbers on this promotion. We got 8 of them at a rock bottom price. I have yet to find anywhere else running a deal like this. Not bad for a mom and pop LPS. BTW, I get a 10%...
  2. S

    8g Bio-Cube

    Being new to reef keeping I plan on keeping things that I have read are easier to keep. Zoa's and mushrooms primarily. Perhaps a sponge (Julian Sprung says that the yellow finger sponges are fairly easy to keep so long as you feed them), assuming I find one that is healthy. I have the...
  3. S

    BC8 In-line skimmer?

    So today at work I was thinking about how I was going to make my skimmer for my 8 gallon Bio Cube. My original plan was to make an 8in PVC skimmer that I could mount in the second chamber of the BC8. Then I got to thinking. Using the pump that the kit comes with wouldn't it be possible just...
  4. S

    8g Bio-Cube

    I have been in the hobby for nearly 15 years. I am just now making the leap into marine tanks. When it comes to timing and patience I am a saint. I have nothing, but patience when it comes to fish and aquarium keeping. I have a three stage R/O DI unit, I keep Discus in a heavily planted...
  5. S

    8g Bio-Cube

    Sorry, another quick question. Is Coralife salt any good?
  6. S

    8g Bio-Cube

    Alright, I can skip the turbos, but I have found with my heavily planted freshwater tanks that having one Nerite for every 5 gallons, or so, is just about ideal. I also think that it would be beneficial to have two ceriths to dig through the aragonite. Instead of using ceriths I could also...
  7. S

    8g Bio-Cube

    I am purchasing an 8 gallon Bio-Cube this week. Paying $65 brand new. I searched the forum and came up with this stock list. 2x Nerite, 2x Cerith, 2x Turbo, 2 or 3x red leg hermit, 1x peppermint shrimp, 10 Halocaridina rubra, 1x mithrax crab, and 1x pom pom crab. I also plan on getting a...