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    My 5 gallon hex

    oh yeah just read your older post...the WPG rule doesnt really apply to tanks that small... its kind of like the inch of fish per gallon rule....its just a suggestion
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    Coralife Aqualight Pro w/HQI metal halide

    id try it...what is the likely hood of the fixture being made to barely handle the 150? i say get the ballast and try it....or add a fan.
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    Newbie saying hello, oh and a couple of ??

    watch your water level due to evap. salinity fluctuates rapidly in small environments.
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    My 5 gallon hex

    nice light setup. are those 9w?
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    perhaps have to seperate sub forums in your planted/refugium section one for fresh planted, and one for salt planted/refugiums. perhaps even a brackish planted? I understand this is a salt nano site(forum content much better than nano-reef imo by the way) but its would be nice for the members...