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  1. N

    New Quarantine tank advice wanted

    No, only a cleaner shrimp, emerald crab and hermit crabs in there. I'm going to start testing the water tonight. See how its doing. thank you for responding. I wasnt sure if maybe i should add a little hermit to pick the rock once the ammonia spike has gone down? Ive since read that i should...
  2. N

    New Quarantine tank advice wanted

    After losing my 2 fish to ich in my main tank i have been out and brought a small quarantine tank. i have added salt water and added 1 piece of live rock, it has a niagra filter and light - i'm not adding live sand. How long would you recommend running it for before adding 2 gobie fish...
  3. N

    pyjama wrasse problem

    Like a previous topic below I too have a problem pyjama wrasse, i have had him 2 1/2 years in a 24 gal nano tank - he has been fine living with a midas blennie (had 3 years) and scarlet hawkfish (1 year) all got on fine until a few weeks ago when i added an algae blennie to help eat the algae...
  4. N

    Just bought 24Gal Nano Cube..!!

    Message to Jack Hey Jack, You have already got lots of good advice on here. my tips to you: make sure you sort your rock out before adding the sand, gets a bit tricky otherwise. I have same tank and in the back left i have the heater, polyfilter (looks like sponge -i use this to help remove...
  5. N

    What's my Coral Polyps doing?

    I have some brown Zoanthid which are all attached to each other in abig clump, and they have a small brown disc centre which turns green and glows in the dark when the lights go out. Two nights ago, after feeding the fish I noticed out of the centre of one of the polyps a small brown thing came...
  6. N

    Buying ready mixed water

    I buy ready mixed salt water from my shop. I do my water change straight away, but always have some left, does the water i have left have a shelf life - can I use whats left to do the next water change in 2 weeks? It's kept in a plastic water holder.
  7. N

    Water adjustments affecting Shrimp? & fan worm query.

    Thanks for the replies. Magnesium is the only test I haven't done, and it's not in my sera box either so I will go and get that and do a test to check it. One piece of good news on the shrimp front, when the shrimp had been in my tank 2 days it had shed its skin right in front of me and at...
  8. N

    Water adjustments affecting Shrimp? & fan worm query.

    Yes, 1 inch of Caribsea, arag-alive on bottom, and live rock. I have been changing the water once every 2 weeks, approx 20%.
  9. N

    Water adjustments affecting Shrimp? & fan worm query.

    Thanks for the two replies. I don't have much in it yet, only 1 red & 6 blue hermits, 2 polyps and 2 mushrooms, no fish as yet, wanted to get it a bit stable first, and understand what I'm doing. I have not added any iodine to the tank, didn't realise this, is there a test kit for it? I...
  10. N

    Water adjustments affecting Shrimp? & fan worm query.

    Hi, my 24g nano has been running for 44 days all ok, was going well till last week as the KH started to drop gradually and when the KH had dropped to 7, calcium was 400, I was advised at the shop to add buffer to raise the KH and balance with a calcium additive and i followed their guidance. The...
  11. N

    Unknown crab hitch hiker - scary!

    Another question - I have a 2 month old 24g nanocube with 1 shrimp/7 hermits and mushrooms and polyp's. Who knows about crabs? Last night in one of the caves in the live rock we saw a crab, this wasnt as tiny as the others ive seen, probably 1/2 inch across, quite chunky, with stripy blue and...
  12. N

    Which fish first?

    Hey, thanks for that advice. To be honest I really think 3 fish may be enough, especially as I am new to this, and was thinking i would add 1 a month for 3 months to see how goes. I do adore scooter's but i may leave that for now. Another thing, last night in a one of the caves we saw a...
  13. N

    Which fish first?

    I have a 24g/90L nanocube with Live rock and sand, all going well for 2 months now. Only have 7 hermits & 1 peppermint shrimp-which is meant to be eating my 2 anenome's - not! - and mushroom coral and polyps. + few tiny hitch hiking crabs. The fish i would like to have, introduced over a...