Search results

  1. F

    LFS (Local Fish Store)

    We are very new to reefing but have found some great info so far. Posting here is a great start! This website has proved to be the most helpful. We have heard of some great LFS's here. One thing you may want to consider is looking for and joining a reefing club in your general area. We have...
  2. F

    White stuff on live rock

    Last weekend we set up our tank (29 gal biocube) and added live sand (25 lbs) and live rock (22 lbs). The colors on the rock were great, lots of green and purple with some really cool reds thrown in. last night we turned on the lights and found that alot of the color is now covered with a...
  3. F

    Convert 55g or start new nanotank? sw newbie

    I just recently had to make the same decision. In my case the bottom line was money. The lighting upgrade was the deal breaker. The cost of entry level lighting was more than the 29 gallon Bio Cube we started. In our case the decision to start out with the Bio Cube and keep our 55 gal...
  4. F

    Newbie books?

    Thanks Thank you. I will be checking them out right away. Jack
  5. F

    Biocube media

    Does anyoe know where to purchase filter media for a 29g Biocube? The stores I have been to in the far NW Chicago 'burbs do not carry it. I did a Google search and found one store... Thanks! Jack
  6. F

    Newbie books?

    I've been bitten hard by the nano bug. Can anyone recommend a good book or 2 for a complete newbie? I'm thinking reef with a few small fish for my first tank. I'm more of a reader, and then I will bombard everyone with my questions. Thanks in advance![/b][/i]