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  1. N

    dutch nano girl ;)

    well shipping is not really a option this is the answer of the lady that helpt me answer my question at the live chatting room. The shipping charge alone for that item would be $241.19. Well thats a bit to much for 1 nano cube. So i just go along with the 65 superfish nano Nynke
  2. N

    dutch nano girl ;)

    overshiping is like 15 euro (or more). But i found a job at a local internet company so i get money. :loveface I found something else intresting its hang on filters. Aquael Extern hang on 100 All-in-one economisch extern filter system. - soundless. - simple maintenence...
  3. N

    dutch nano girl ;)

    Thanks for all the answers ;) We dont really have a local fish store nearby with saltwater so im going to make my own salt water. And with the aqua 65 yes if thats a better option i go with that one. But in the netherlands the think like bigger filtration and bigger tanks are better then...
  4. N

    dutch nano girl ;)

    haha you guys say exactly the other answer the dutch people give me the say use old tank water. Thats why i whas confused. I want to try to use osmose and then mix it with salt. you got lucky about the link i found one thats english ;)...
  5. N

    dutch nano girl ;)

    Mabey its a bit stupid to come here when their are a lot of dutch reef forums but.. You guys have much more experience in my eyes. Before i explain my question (if i talk bad english im sorry for it im not really good at it) I want to start a nano 7 gallon you get two 11 watt...